FAQs on Corporate Profile

When was Ai Holdings established?

Ai Holdings Corporation was established on April 2, 2007 as a joint holding company of Dodwell B·M·S Ltd. and Graphtec Corporation. Please see the Corporate Profile for more detailed information.

What does the company name “Ai” mean?

“Ai” means “love” in Japanese. We aim to be a company loved by everyone. Ai also refers to the English words “aggressive,” “action,” “innovation,” and “invention,” referring to our goal of inventing through innovation from aggressive action. In addition, the corporate colors of Dodwell B·M·S and Graphtec Corporation is navy, which is “ai” in Japanese.

FAQs on Investor Relations

What is Ai Holdings’ securities code?

Our securities code is “3076.” Ai Holdings Corporation is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Prime Section. Our ISIN code is JP3105090009.

When did Ai Holdings go public?

On April 2, 2007, Ai Holdings was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Prime Section.

Who should I contact if I have questions related to share transfer, or wish to change my method of receiving dividends, request re-purchase or an additional purchase or change my address?

After the Electronic Share Certificate System has been installed, the account management institution (e.g. securities company) in charge of your account will handle changes of address, requests for re-purchase or other procedures. Please contact the securities company or other institution where you have your account.
Please note that the shareholder registry administrator (i.e. Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation) is not able to handle such procedures.

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation is the account management institution for special accounts. Please use the contact information provided below to inquire about procedures on shares recorded in special accounts.

Corporate Agency Department
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation

Phone: 0120-232-711 (toll-free number in Japan only)
Website (Japanese): http://www.tr.mufg.jp/daikou/

Unclaimed dividends will be paid at Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation’s head office and branches.

What is the minimum trading unit?


When are General Meeting of Shareholders held?

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders are held within three months of the fiscal year-end date (June 30th).

Does Ai Holdings provide any shareholder benefit programs?

Sorry, we do not provide a shareholder benefit program.

What are the record dates for dividend payments?

The year-end dividend is paid to shareholders of record on June 30, and the interim dividend is paid to shareholders of record on December 31.